Sunday, August 31, 2008

Day 0+1

I started this count with 0, not because I'm a technology geek, but because it truly represented the bottom of how I felt about my physical self. It wasn't just the weight, it was the softness. The addiction to the couch/chair/bed whatever was handy to hold me up. The realization that I would rather lean than hold myself up, figuratively and literally. Day 0 represents the bottom and the beginning.

Day 0 was 28 minutes of running/jogging/walking that carried me 2.5 miles. I ran without the gadgets, just a stopwatch to let me know how long it took. I know it was 2.5 miles because I measured it years ago and have that spot, along with many others, marked on the roads around my house. The difficult part of it was how difficult it was. I knew it would be hard, I never questioned it being hard, but from the first step to the last step, it was a constant conversation with myself that this was what we needed to be doing. When I finished, I felt that slight twinge of pride (and a slight twinge in my quads) and I allowed myself that moment to relish a new beginning. I had truly started back. No more talking, just doing.

Day 0+1 was even better in so many ways. I woke with the knowledge that today I would run again. It wasn't a matter of "if" I would run, it was only "when" I would run. I slid out of bed and immediately felt the effects of Day 0. I've heard so many people complain about starting a new program and how much it hurts. They just don't get it. I felt that soreness. I welcomed it. I smiled. Why would I smile at the soreness that a mere 2.5 miles put in my legs? Because it meant that Day 0 actually counted. If where we are today is a culmination of all the days that preceded, then I know that Day 0 was a good day on which to build my foundation. Day 0 wasn't just a nod at getting started. It was truly a start to breaking the body down so that I can rebuild it the way I want it. Day 0 counts and I have the sore legs to prove it. Every step I took on Day 0+1 reminded me of the effort of Day 0. I smiled at every step.

It finally came time to run yesterday and I went out just like I did on Day 0. I strapped on the wristwatch and headed out the door. The only thought I had in mind was to honor the previous effort with another. To be honest, it took a little bit to shake yesterday's soreness out. But I didn't mind. It was the effort that put it there and another effort will clean them out. As I turned down the road for the bulk of the run, I still hadn't decided how far or how long to run. I was just going to run. I had a few things to think about, but even those thoughts quickly went to the wayside and I only concentrated on the effort. I'd pick signs, driveways, whatever as little intermediate goals to run to. Then I got to where I turned around yesterday. But, I wasn't ready to turn around. I went one driveway further. I grinned at myself. It might only represent an extra 40 yds, but further is further and I did that today. I walked the turn around and started back. I don't think I stopped smiling the rest of the run. I rolled back up to the house and stopped the watch. 27:30. There it was. I went 2.5 miles plus one driveway and did it faster than yesterday.

I can't wait to run again Sunday.

ORN: 2.5 miles plus a driveway 27:30

1 comment:

KLN said...

Congratulations on hitting bottom and moving beyond. Good luck with the climb -- I'm working on one myself.